British-Ghanaian Lawyers Union (BGLU) and The British Nigerian Lawyers Forum JLD are delighted to invite you to attend:
‘Pathways to Law’.
Join us on: Tuesday 24 August 2021 from 6 – 8 pm (GMT).
We will discuss the routes to qualify as a lawyer and the different opportunities available from the UK and Africa.
Education Panel (6 – 7 pm): With speakers from Solicitors Regulation Authority and Bar Standards Board
Topics include:
-Solicitor Qualification and SQE
-Cross-qualification (solicitors)
-Barrister Qualification and Pupillage
-Cross-qualification (barristers)
Career Panel (7 – 8 pm):
Topics include:
– Legal practice in Britain and Africa
– Non-traditional routes to law Alternative careers
– Kweku Aggrey-Orleans, Barrister at 12 King’s Bench
Walk & Partner at Gaisie Zwennes Hughes & Co.
– Caroline Omotayo, Junior Associate, Latham & Watkins.
– Desiree Usifo, AML/KYC Specialist at an investment bank