Congratulations to Rose Rameau for her re-appointment as a Member of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris. Rose Rameau has been a Member of the Court representing Haïti since July 2017 and is reappointed by the ICC World Counsel for three years.
Rose Rameau is an International Arbitrator and the Founding Partner of RAMEAU INTERNATIONAL LAW, a boutique law firm in Washington DC that focuses on investor-State disputes and white collar defense. She is also a Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague. Rose Rameau has been appointed Sole Arbitrator, Co-Arbitrator and President of the International Tribunal in cases involving African States and foreign investors.
Rose Rameau is an international lawyer who is licensed to practice law in Paris-France, the Republic of Ghana, and several jurisdictions in the US including Washington, DC. She is a Board Member of ArbitralWomen and of the Jamaica International Arbitration Centre.
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